The philosophy of BandaSEA eV. is to sustainably create coexistence between humans and the sea
About us
BandaSEA eV is a non-profit association based in Bonn. Our goal is to protect the underwater world of the Banda Sea in Indonesia by working with the local population of the Banda Islands to find solutions to problems such as plastic waste and overfishing. We are firmly convinced that marine protection projects can only be sustainable if they are carried out not only with but by the local population. Therefore, we rely on listening, joint concept development, intensive support during the project implementation and joint planning of financial independence for the continuation of the projects. This is possible because two of our founding members live on the Banda Islands.
Since 2012 we have been concentrating on projects on the Banda Islands. These are located in the middle of the Banda Sea in the Moluccas Province in Indonesia. Since there are extremely species-rich coral reefs that are worth protecting, as well as a population that moves with them, we consider this place to be an absolute priority when it comes to sustainable marine protection.
So far we have 1) set up a local garbage disposal, 2) initiated an environmental education center for children, 3 ) helped with the zoning of a marine protection zone, 4) converted primary schools into single-use plastic-free schools, 5) set up an upcycling project for housewives, 6) us for shark protection, 7) built a recycling hall in which plastic is sorted, shredded and processed into gasoline and diesel by means of pyrolysis, and 8) created Indonesia's first floating island garbage disposal
As a non-profit organization, we are dependent on donations and membership fees so that we can continue to carry out sustainable projects on the Banda Islands. We attach great importance to the fact that donations are only used for the projects described on this website and that
Funds are used efficiently. We are proud that the administrative costs (bank fees, website and notarial costs) averaged just 3.6% in 2019 and 2020.
In this way we can achieve a lot with relatively little resources (see projects ).
Donations of any amount are very welcome, they will definitely reach their destination and are tax deductible.
Get active
During our time on the Banda Islands we were able to impart a lot of knowledge, but we were also able to take with us a lot of experiences and values from another culture. Cultural exchange and learning from one another are increasingly important aspects on the way to sustainability in a networked world. We are therefore very happy if you or you would like to actively support us on site. We can always use help, especially in environmental education. Knowledge of Indonesian is an advantage but not a requirement. Communication works very well, especially with children, even with a little bit of English, hands and feet. To contact Feel free to contact us if you would like to help.